Fire Risk Maps: CAL FIRE Extends Comment Period

By Craig S. Harrison

CAL FIRE has been listening to stakeholder comments about the 2022 Fire Hazard Severity Zone (FHSZ) maps, and has revised them to reflect new, more refined risk data. To see the newly assessed fire risk in your area, go here. 

Many Bennett Valley residents were dissatisfied with the original map, feeling that it was too constraining, forcing steep insurance rate increases. The map has been updated to more accurately reflect the zones in California that are susceptible to wildfire.

The date for public comment on the new map is August 9, 2023.

Written comments may be submitted by U.S. mail to the following address:

Office of the State Fire Marshal

C/O: FHSZ Comments

California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection

P.O. Box 944246

Sacramento, CA 94244-2460


To read the CAL FIRE letter, click here